Holochain’s Self-Paced Video Curriculum

Holochain’s Self-Paced Training

Sign up for our self-paced video curriculum and explore the world of Holochain. Gain access to four lessons and learn how to craft scalable, decentralized apps at your own pace.

Entering your email below will help us 1) know who is engaging with this course as we try out a new format, and 2) provide you with the links to the course material, a dedicated Discord channel, developer office hours, and more materials coming down the pipeline.

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Learn the Essentials of Holochain App Development

Holochain is an open-source framework for developing peer-to-peer applications that hit a sweet spot of security, reliability, and performance. It is poised to extend the capacities of blockchain by providing a framework for rapid and easy Web3 app development. Together we can help create a new web that supports the technical, social, and economic coordination that today's world demands.

What Our Students Say

I thought this was a really excellent way to gain an introduction to Holochain, and it definitely left me with a thirst to learn more. I think the curriculum is well thought out and gives the perfect HDK 101.

John Hopkins

It's helped to solidify my understanding of distributed systems in general and has led to a deeper appreciation of the HC architecture and its potentially integral role in bringing digital technologies into alignment with the human-social organism.

Ross Eyre

Super fun and useful! Definitely exceeded my expectations. The course is super grounding and down to earth — getting all the way down to DHT ops and all the way up to capability claims.


This is an excellent technical deep-dive for developers who wish to write Rust code based directly on the HDK. It is well-constructed, descriptive, paced excellently, and presented by very knowledgeable and passionate people.

Acea Spades Black

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